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The Climate Equity Alliance

Advancing Equity through Climate Solutions:

Principles for Addressing the Needs of Low and Moderate Income Workers, Families, and Communities within Global Warming Legislation.

Green For All, in partnership with a broad range of organizations -- from the research, advocacy, faith-based, labor, and civil rights communities -- is part of the Climate Equity Alliance--an alliance pushing for strong climate legislation that protects and provides opportunity for low- and moderate-income communities.

America and the world face a grave challenge from global warming. Although local communities around the country are responding to this challenge by beginning to build a green economy, the time for federal action is now. Any policy that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or address the consequences of climate change will bring about changes not only in our environment, but also in our society and our economy. The urgent need to transition to a low carbon economy presents critical choices, and we therefore should also approach climate policy as economic policy that can advance principles of fairness, opportunity, and equal access. As a member of the Climate Equity Alliance, Green For All believes that global warming policies should be guided by the following six principles:

  1. Protect people and the planet: Limit carbon emissions at a level and timeline that science dictates. Read more.
  2. Maximize the gain: Build an inclusive green economy providing pathways into prosperity and expanding opportunity for America’s workers and communities. Read more.
  3. Minimize the pain: Assist low and moderate income families in meeting their basic needs. Read more.
  4. Shore up resilience to climate impacts: Assure that those who are most vulnerable to the direct effects of climate change are able to prepare and adapt. Read more.
  5. Ease the transition: Address the impacts of economic change for workers and communities. Read more.
  6. Put a price on global warming pollution and invest in solutions: Capture the value of carbon emissions for public purposes and invest this resource in an equitable transition to a clean energy economy. Read more.


By hewing to these principles for advancing equity, opportunity, and climate justice as we transition to a clean, low-carbon economy, we can combat global warming, minimize the costs to low and moderate income Americans, and maximize the opportunity for greater and more enduring prosperity in a green economy. 

To see a list of endorsing organizations: click here


To learn more about the Climate Equity Alliance, contact Jeff Rickert at

Further Reading

Download the six principles of the Climate Equity Alliance.
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